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  • Publics

    What to do about Publics

  • #2
    have both pubs timed
    change weasel back.. its only used for spawning levs atm
    make 1/100 greens a thor
    make 1/30 greens a decoy
    improve mvp, team leader system.
    give different prizes for mvp's, etc.


    • #3
      Arena/game changes

      Alternate pub from timed game and not but have purepub back in pub0 – it’s now harder and harder for euros and early people to even have a pure pub game and that is where most of the fun is … I know quite a few stoped playing over that.

      Increase the timer to 4 or 3:30 (I know this was tested and a small increase can lead to nearly never ending games but often with a weaker team 3 is just to short. (maybe have the bot auto-adjust the timer based on the last set of games, it currently keeps track in a best of 5 - use that best of 5 and if 2 games are won in < 4 mins increase flag timer to 4 )

      Prizes for the winning teams , mainly decoys – rockets back , double/triple/ 5x bty but also occasionally things like super for 10 secs or shield for 10 secs etc … just a bit of fun for the winning team to celebrate victory – also things like super wouldn’t unbalance the game as it’s 10 secs in the off game but still make them rarer than decoys and extra or points.

      MOAR ?buy options – add in very high points items that could only be used once or twice a reset by the more hardcore players, things like thors , bounce or even bomb (for fighter ships) should all be considered. I realise TW isn’t EG but a few rarely used upgrades or a one off thors in a reset would add some fun for those who rack up enough points and make the new players go ooooh!

      Introduce the tkwatcher bot, lock ship or force spec if a jav tk’s too much in a set time, have a cool down etc… if the amount can be increased for shark or the shark ignored, do that.

      Ship Changes

      Jav – add small attach bty of 9 or so, so instead of attaching rocketing cycle they have to spawn a few greens, this should hopefully address some of the jav dominance and tking during flagroom fights, also it will make the jav pick up a few greens for there terriers but it could well lead to more roofing, I’d still like to see this option rather than limit the amount of javs

      Overhaul the levi – it’s a retarded ship at the moment and there are several different ways to tackle it

      1)keep it basically the same settings but ; remove ability to attach , give it 2 reps but also team greens so it can regain these, very slight increase in speed & turning rate.

      2)give it l2 bombs, add in max 5 of l2 shrap remove rep. Remove team greens and keep attach bty .

      3)rejig the bomb powers so that the jav/shark bombs atm are L3 but do the same damage/radius -- then give the levi L1 bombs which emp + a lot of L1 shrap + prox . maybe fire 2 of these at full health. Speed / turning rate worse than jav but quite close

      4)basically a no bounce forward bulleting jav alternative

      5)cannot bullet, L1 bomb, slower than shark but close – 3 mines - 2 reps – 1 rocket – ½ the initial bomb momentum of present. (an aggressive shark alternative?)

      Weasel – remove multifire bullets or the thrust shoot ability. (actually thinking about this I haven’t been in the weasel in years really so I’ll leave this one as I’m not sure where it’s stood now its back to the old big weasel with the rep? )

      Just some ideas while I’m bored in work…
      In my world,
      I am King



      • #4
        One big public with pure settings. Levi allowed only to the guy with most points... and remove LT blocks.

        = more action, something to play for (it's fun to be the only levi in arena)
        lemar> im seriously gonna get someone to hack your name and disolve that shit sqd of yours


        • #5

          We need to break this shit down so its simpler not make it more complicated with more tedious bot rules and stalinlist like approaches to tking.
          Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

          Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
          Kitty> true

          I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

 - The Offical Flabby Website


          • #6
            Originally posted by Doc Flabby View Post

            We need to break this shit down so its simpler not make it more complicated with more tedious bot rules and stalinlist like approaches to tking.

            also we need a better looking tileset.

            2:Lance> OMG
            2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
            2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

            Creator/Co-Creator of:

            ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

            New Maps are in production...


            • #7
              Whatever happens, we have to understand that change is necessary. For too long, pubs have stagnated because of the argument "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. Well guess what, it WAS broken, and those people just refused to see the signs. Pubs have been broken for a while now, and one of the reasons we're at the point we are now because people don't want to change.


              • #8
                to echo what's been mentioned already
                • both pubs should be timed, no reason not to be
                • change weasel back, possibly retaining the ship radius it has now to keep it form going through holes. The settings should go back to a faster ship, faster bullet speed, no rocket, no repel, xradar, bigger energy cost for using stealth+cloak. It really is a joke ship now, just for spawning people.
                • add more greens. like tagmor suggested, decoys and thors used sparingly would be cool. prox, antiwarp, bricks, and even damage could be used sparingly too.
                • change requirements to MVP, and give them much better prizes, like those that PD mentioned.
                • add more buy options, like PD mentioned.
                • besides the weasel which no one plays seriously, keep the other ships mainly the same. maybe the attach bty for javs.
                • change the tileset monthly, keeping the same layout. Change the layout for 1 weekend a month and holidays. Only keep up changed layouts for 2 days maximum to keep the complaints down. If one works out really well, test it again the next month. could eventualy lead to a new pub map.
                • document any and all changes in the news.txt

                that's it for now
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                • #9
                  ?message dads revengechanges)

                  And I can add them to the news. I Don't frequent the pubs like I used to but still do on occasion. Lately I have seen mixed reaction on the voting system. forcing people to play the game in a ship they dont want or limiting the ship they do may/will put a nasty dent in the pub. Perhaps leave an extra pub up (just have a pubbot go there) with no restrictions for those who do want to "play it thier way".
                  ?find dads revenge


                  • #10
                    Many good ideas here.

                    - As many others have pointed out, the weasel is now all but worthless. OK, you killed it, just like you wanted to, and now you say you don't play pubs much. I think a change is in order, especially when weasels can now be limited with the voting system.
                    - What I have seen from the voting system in action is that a slight majority of people (basers) prefer slightly more often to disallow levs. There are basers, and then there are spawn duelers and lev-terr players. To me, this says purepub should be the default pub (timed, no levs), and a second pub should be reserved for unrestricted play for the spawn duelers and LTs. However, when there aren't enough players to fill both pubs, basers should get priority.
                    - Assuming pubs are segregated as above, the vote to allow/disallow levs can and should be eliminated. That vote now dominates and cripples the voting system, between players desperate to allow/disallow levs, and players desperate to block them with some other trivial vote.
                    - Rather than limit javs, I would prefer a TK bot of some kind. Auto-spec for 30 seconds * number of teammates killed, self destruct if you kill a teammate, 2 minute ban from jav, or some other workaround. Of all the ship restrictions, jav seems the most harsh.
                    - Slightly higher attach bounty for javs would also reduce TKs and jav overpopulation.
                    - Overhaul MVP because it is worthless. TagMor has good ideas (about this).
                    - I like the idea of special, high-cost ?buy items. Bouncy bullets for 30K, Thor for 50K. Yes, let's avoid becoming EG, but at the same time, spice it up a little.
                    Originally posted by Crunchy Nut
                    2d spaceships nobody gives a shit


                    • #11
                      I remember when each ship was based on military units. Can anyone find that description list of the ships in their original uses? Then from there should the game be modified from so that you keep it's original successful recipe but add in a modern spice to the mix.

                      It shouldn't be about, "What could be changed to force a group of people to do things the way it SHOULD be done?". I really think we're asking the wrong questions. Let's start from the top.


                      • #12
                        ?find dads revenge


                        • #13
                          One of the problems with the pubs is that we dont get an overall feedback. Most of the pubbers we talk to are in forums and some in game. to help with this I am reviving the TWBeta chat for Zone Improvement and player input as well feel free to join and invite ?chat=TWBeta. With a larger group of players on this we can get a broader perspective of where we need to go.
                          ?find dads revenge


                          • #14
                            change weasel back.. its only used for spawning levs atm
                            make 1/100 greens a thor
                            make 1/30 greens a decoy[QUOTE]

                            definitely like these ideas, i came here to vote weasel being changed back to small size
                            1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?


                            • #15
                              change weasel back.. its only used for spawning levs atm
                              make 1/100 greens a thor
                              make 1/30 greens a decoy

                              definitely like these ideas, i came here to vote weasel being changed back to small size

                              Change the weasel back and i like the 1/100 greens a thor, 1/30 greens a decoy and ill even go further to say make 1/100 greens a Prox.
                              8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously

