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EXtreme Games Draft League ~sign ups open

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  • EXtreme Games Draft League ~sign ups open

    EGDL is starting sign ups are open!

    Extreme Games Draft League is similar to TWDT. It is the perfect league for TW players since there's a rating cap on teams. Just like in TWDT, captains are required to player lower ranked players and that is where TWers become like gold. The average TWer is better or just as good as the average EGer and therefore, TWers are very welcomed in this league.

    Captains with players with this edge gain a significant advantage and the player benefits as well. A guaranteed starter spot is waiting for you guys just go sign up and the captains will contact you when you have been drafted (June 12th).

    Past EGDL stars include a2m and Raspi, and thix is looking to make an impact for whoever drafts him as well. Everyone is welcome

    Game play: 8v8 base flagging with 20 flags. 2 teams battle it out within 2 different bases.

    register before June 12th, the sooner the better though

  • #2
    The gameplay is much more complex than TW's basing (as these two are the only comparable games from each zone), but it's easily just as fun if not more fun. It's fast paced, very strategic, and easily adaptable for people who are good at TW basing (I'm sure anyone good at dueling can adapt too). EG'ers have come to our zone and not only made the zone more active but more also interesting (at least in TWBD/TWLB; i.e - Trauma+).

    What omega red was trying to say about the roster cap was that each player is assigned a VP (rating) and only a specific total number of VPs can be play at a time, thus making lower rated yet talented players extremely important. The draft league is supremely different than ours, as they take it very seriously because it's the only competition taking place at the time (they don't have a TWD system like we do) so the primary focus is EGDL. Teams actually become "squads" and practice pften, and older players teach the newer ones so the newer players stand out. These older players are very helpful in learning, and the public arena, pickup arena (similar go ?go base, wbduel or javduel) and baseduel arena (flagging without the flags; similar to TWD in some respects) are very active and fun to play and help you get better.

    I highly recommend checking this out, the shipsets are INCREDIBLY fun to play with and the competition will only get better with some TW players added into the mix, and I'd love some more support in representing the zone I've been playing for about a month and already I've adapted, come check it out!

    Anyway, good luck in TWL today everyone!


    • #3
      i forgot to mention, games are on sundays and are usually 12-3pm est

      edit: also unlike in TWDT, all players get drafted. usually about 300 people sign up and after the draft people who are late can sign up to be Free Agents and get bid on
      Last edited by Omega Red; 05-29-2011, 06:03 PM.


      • #4
        Yea this is a pretty fun league. Theres pretty much garaunteed playing time because they need to play low vps. Also, it's pretty easy to get decent there - I was runner up for rookie of the year there even though I only showed up to games and never practiced. Not saying you should do that too, but the games are definately fun and worth showing up to.
        TWLB Champions Season 8
        TWLJ Champions Season 8
        TWLB Champions Season 10
        TWLB Champions Season 11


        • #5
          You know I wouldn't mind checking this out to be honest but.. Summer League in HZ and TWL in TW is going on, and since most your games are on Sundays during peak TWL timeslots you might be hard pressed to find too many volunteers. If it wasn't TWL I might have checked it out.
          Rabble Rabble Rabble


          • #6


            • #7
              Hey sign ups are ending VERY soon! Their are 5 spots left until Free Agents start! Get to the EGDL forum and sign up! Already like 10-15 TW players have signed up! Keep em comin!


              • #8
                Well I've signed up and been playing there, tis fun gotta say, and a lot of Caps (GM's) have been messaging me, as im only 1 vp (value point) but picked it up quickly so far, dope!
                TWLJ Season 13 Runner Up (Boss)
                TWLJ Season 15 Hit Allstar
                TWDT-J 2012 Champ

                TWDT-D 2014 Champ


                • #9
                  Sign ups are closed but you guys can still sign up as Free Agents. The only difference is you will go through a bidding process where captains will bid what they think you are worth. Free Agency spots are first come first serve so the earlier you sign up, the better chance you will land on a team.

                  Value Points have been assigned to all players. The draft is this weekend and the following week is preseason i think.

                  Free Agent sign up link:


                  • #10
                    Hope it goes well!!!

                    Never am on much on Sundays. Between my favorite bar opening at around 11 and the fact I have tickets to every Sunday Rockies game ... sitting on a computer on Sundays just doesn't happen much. I miss all sorts of fun shit it seems. TWL, this, HZ shit, events.
                    Fuck it.


                    • #11
                      i signed up as a free agent

                      1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                      • #12
                        Can you see those value points somewhere? Bet im higher than tj suzuki
                        Retired SSCU Trenchwars Head Sysop

                        1:24> they'd rather add afks than me
                        24 is in for Freq 1 as a Warbird.
                        1:M_M God> gg

                        help: (renzi) (Public 33): is it possible for a washing machine to cause a wireless connection to lag?

                        Candy King, -C4L-


                        • #13
                          lol MMgod, lots of people talking bout you on there Search MM God =

                          TWLJ Season 13 Runner Up (Boss)
                          TWLJ Season 15 Hit Allstar
                          TWDT-J 2012 Champ

                          TWDT-D 2014 Champ


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by M_M God View Post
                            Can you see those value points somewhere? Bet im higher than tj suzuki
                            heres the VP list.


                            • #15
                              signed up as free agent
                              Gun remembers.

