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Attach mode in pub

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  • Attach mode in pub

    Heya! Few weeks ago mods had some fun applying attach-mode settings into pub. Can this be done again? Considering the low level of pub basing, the meaning of terrier as a transport isn't that important anymore. I suggest bringing attach mode for longer time and see whether people like it or want to return to the old, terrier-only-attachable -settings.
    Please, consider this for the health of the game, not as a fundamental change of the spirit of tw, tw pub was not designed to be played by just a handful of people, yet thats what we have today.

    Any new player venturing outside of pub (aka ?gobase) will realise that pub is nothing like other arenas, so they will grasp the consept of terrier without problems.

  • #2
    thanks for making it happen

    edit: It changed back to normal on the fly? is this something time-related?
    Last edited by Steep; 06-19-2016, 08:17 AM.


    • #3
      Sounds like a pretty good idea to me!


      • #4
        I got pretty tired and had to switch it off rather abruptly before going to bed.

        Just trying it out as an occasional thing during the slow times, mostly on weekends, as it seems like you can keep a game going a bit better that way. It has some problems, the biggest being that it devalues the Terr quite a lot. Still, Terr remains the fastest ship and the only one with a portal, so it's still a solid choice for LTing, even in attach mode. (A warbird might be situationally better, but would need to keep a sharp eye on surroundings.)

        It's not automated right now, but there's a chance it could be (not totally sure how it affects the game if you are attached to, say, a Spider, and suddenly the attach limit for the Spider is set to 0 -- there could be some small bugs in that case, though pretty sure it doesn't force-recycle the zone). Or, could look into doing it as a premium !buy.

        The one problem with it is that it's a bit confusing, and arena messages aren't always read. Not surprising considering the amount of spam. Maybe some kind of explanatory graphic that pops up occasionally might help.
        "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
        -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment

