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Quotes! Volume III

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  • Quotes! Volume III

    more quotes of mine from the last few months. i apologize if any of them make u look kinda stupid, thats not what they are meant for, just enjoy em and such eh!

    ps. links to the 1st couple volums can be found below!

    help: (Drunken Tiger) (#Mutt): how do i tell malice mutt that he doesnt suck??
    9:NAPALM SUNRISE I> Your quotes are poo. You could of posted some of my educational spurs.. but no.. just my homoerotic ones.
    yung> raspi, when youre feeling down, just say "at least im not yung" and youll feel better
    9:Fruitang <ER>> Ok, i'll just hold an L sign to my forehead signifying that you're a loser everytime I see you from now on.
    (Volcs)> fuck, that's the worst too... cock breath.. god, i'd rather smell my own ass... but that's a bit too much bending for me...
    (MAGI KOZ)>you make ADs that make people like me abuse help... luckily i can hold myself back.
    9:adam <ER>> hottest/sexiest girl ive met in my entire life, we found out we're cousins
    9:THE PUSHER> cow tipping is an experience that all young men should have
    9:Warthog> lol once we accidently pushed this bull into this lake
    Real.Punk!> Oni you smell like a mixture of vaseline and wet dog
    9:Tigerex <ER>> i love the customisable chat window! I set my whole background colour to pink $$ BLING
    9:THE PUSHER> I should teach home ec.. and not like those sissy bitches in high school do.. I;d teach you how to be a guerilla cook
    9:THE PUSHER> sometimes talking to you is like clapping with one hand
    Nosey> what bout a BADGER
    Ender> Whats that? Cant TK? MUAHAHAHAA!!! Your days of wine and roses are over newb trash!!!
    help: (andrew101) (Public 5): moderaters i was only killing the people that change teams to be on the winning side.
    9:Kingz> real men make wax
    Dagaz> I dunno if u like me. U don't like many ppl
    9:Goddess <ER>> rand you'd get along with the devil :P
    9:THE PUSHER> oh man.. I need me some swedish paint.. I heard you get the best visuals
    9:YoMama!!!> chickity china the chinese chicken
    9:Arilou Lalee'lay> life is a pile of cow dung
    BrokenFist> Yes, his name is Johnny, you're behind on your child support payments.
    warkwark> would you wark like an ostrich?
    9oCk>> i bet i can type faster and more accurately than you when drunk
    warkwark> ive got cones.. ive got cones.. in 31 different flavors. each one i do savor.
    9:ZeUs!! <ER>> so i came home to eat dinner and my parents were high on paint fumes
    9:Robo Ref> Server crash attempt ()(1798805145)(
    ?go twtown, ITS FUUUUUUN!! TEE HEE *giggles* -Overstrand
    9:Warthog> i am herby suspending you of your cheese duties, no longer can you eat cheese
    9:THE PUSHER> cats are tasty.. especially with soy sauce
    6:PEGASiS> holy shit i stink.. deoderant wearing off
    THE PUSHER> this bot's a lemon, I want my money back
    9:Goddess <ER>> ok i shot the turkey and now he's all nicely wrapped and frozen...
    Goddess <E> congrats... you now know your good in bed :P
    9:Made You Look <ER>> o! o! Can u plz sign my chest! Plz!
    AFPilot> people take a pilgramage 3 times a lifetime to lick my dung
    Volcs> fuck, i'd do her.. AND IM STRAIGHT! lol
    9:Spider <ZH>> its possible to love anyone I think. but if you choose to love an old person or vice versa you are a fucking queer
    9:Spider <ZH>> how do you explain granny porn then Adam
    help: (Carbon) (zone66): how many yomama!!!'s does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 9:YoMama!!!> just one......i just wait and let the world revolve around me and screw it in P~
    9:Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> a smile is just a frown turned upside down! 9:Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> --->
    BrokenFist> Seriously though, I'd join your squad if you put an S at the front of the name
    9:Overstrand> we get days off I don't care if you call it Rand day 9:Overstrand> if it means i get a day off its $$
    9:Tigerex <ER>> I like to eat chocolate fingers whilst playing with my jesus action figue, ?go ww6
    9:Spider <ZH>> my team has a bunch of "royal assassins" in it
    9:Malice Mutt <ZH>> im a wanna be canadian im new to this bilingual crap
    Stra> rand stop raping me, it's turning me on
    Stealthwol> charizelda sounds like charizard swallowin zelda
    9:Thorn> she has more hair down there than you have on your entire body. It's like blowing a buffalo
    destroy> I'd have an excuse to go rioting around, I'd get myself a new TV
    recon mari> i flew my fat happy blue ass around and look what happened :P
    (11001100)>i dunno how to tell you this, but i think i love you!
    pv=nrt> my boobies cna do loop de loops
    I have started the new and improved auto spec bot! You are now on a time limit, and only I know what it is. HURRY! - Da Farmer!
    1:StarWeaver <ZH>> dont want to know what kind of stuff goes on between those 2 behind the closed doors of private messaging
    5:crazi> i am a vet, i take all rights away from people who arent me
    BORG Leade> ur the grinch to me u homo
    9:trippinted <ZH>> i had that problem in Junior high till ma mom check the history, too dock
    9:THE PUSHER> jesus, I go away for a week and Robo comes to life.. guess we're proper fucked now
    9:Robo Ref> I don't cry.. I rust.
    6:Heatha> i love you here is a keyboard
    6:Heatha> p.s. 1:Randedl> "2 for 1","free bj","stick it anywhere" etc
    2rty> shop ort-e, where all your food is ort, or ific
    9oCk>> "starweaver is a pretty young grey elf female standing 6'3 and weighing 103 lbs"
    9:dcm <ZH>> we evolved from monkeys he evolved from horse?
    If you squint your eyes funny they kinda look like slices of pizza shooting meatballs :S ?GO JAVS IF YOURE HUNGRY!! -Cpt.Guano! <ER>
    Buja X> i need to practice flying through the little hole
    crazi> how do u spell brocali
    In honor of Randed becoming a ZH, I'll start trivia again - TriviaBot
    6:Heatha> you die you back again. what is this magic
    9:Overstrand> goddess, change your name to Tigeress....meow


    Volume I:

    Volume II:
    Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
    Philos> there is something about you
    Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

    PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"

  • #2

    I give it 2 thumbs up!!!


    • #3
      omfg you are so fired... <reminds herself never to talk to rand in pm again>
      Quoting is the highest form of flattery ...

      The mouth that holds the tongue that rocks your world... rules the world

      PjOtTeR> I should change my name to horny gypsy humper

      saying Goddess name is like saying Voldemort in the Harry Potter World. She-who-must-not-be-named is fucking Taboo


      • #4
        el oh el

        1:crazi> did u actually save all of these
        1:Randedl> yah, i keep a word file and copy/paste when i remember and see something funny

        1:Randedl> dude, if you ever spam out again during a game i'm benching you forever heh

        5:Attila> then i sell windows vista and mac os's and stuff
        5:Attila> its good drinkin money :/
        5:crazi> u gonna be drinking cocks when they lock u up
        5:Crazy> cockmeat sandwiches
        5:Attila> :\
        5:crazi> dont forget the appetizer
        5:Crazy> jizz rag soup?
        5:crazi> Seasoned Grade A Meyer's Ranch 100% pure Cock with truffles and a light crab sauce
        5:Attila> u make it sound so yummy


        • #5
          I don't seem to recall what kind of trouble I must have been stirring up to get WingZero so pissed off. I'd be willing to bet that was shortly after he left wtfz. What an assclown.
          jasonofabitch loves!!!!


          • #6
            i have quotes.. but blah.
            Sina Olet Sootti :)


            • #7
              Re: Quotes! Volume III

              Originally posted by Randedl
              9:ZeUs!! <ER>> so i came home to eat dinner and my parents were high on paint fumes
              I had been at work all day and they had been decorating.
              Originally posted by Facetious
              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


              • #8
                ZeUs!!! LOL


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Goddess
                  omfg you are so fired... <reminds herself never to talk to rand in pm again>
                  Since when are you ranked above Randedl?

                  <sarcasm> Goddess for SMOD! </sarcasm>
                  gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
                  gravy_: Electric granny chariots
                  gravy_: round the nurburgring

                  XBL: VodkaSurprise


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Goddess
                    omfg you are so fired... <reminds herself never to talk to rand in pm again>

                    u can do that, or u can just not say anything funny ever again <--that face isn't used enuf
                    Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
                    Philos> there is something about you
                    Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

                    PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


                    • #11
                      funny stuff


                      • #12
                        Am I the only person that was only really amused by the fact that Randed has NINE chats?
                        Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                        • #13
                          are you amused at the fact that HE has 9 chats, or that some1 actually has 9 chats?


                          • #14
                            Who the fuck needs 9 chats?


                            • #15
                              I had trouble keeping track of two chats. Nine would be terrible, the chat would be covered in red.

                              Interesting quotes though.
                              Choose the Best or Die Like the Rest!

