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Quotes! Volume IV

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  • Quotes! Volume IV

    (links to the original 3 versions, if you haven't already seen them, are at bottom)

    6:Heatha> can you make me win withput playing rand
    (College)>i can't believe you didnt but me in your hall of i cant wait to get your skinny ass in a headlock.
    9:Mr.420 <ZH>> mom, rand is beating me
    1:THE PUSHER> youhear that sound? that's my dick laughing
    [Jan 22 02:33] THE PUSHER: help: (GreenDots) (#meow): We have kidnapped a TWBot, ransom is set at 10,000,000pts. We also demand a football helmet filled with strawberry ice-cream. You have 15 mins to comply with our demands or you'll never see your bot
    9:dcm <ZH>> lol rand is like those guys that sit on golden chairs and watches his slave do stuff
    (Buja X <ZH>)>u wish u had these herpes baby
    (Froedrick)> ok i like secks and all and herpes tastes like ice cream but.. UR ALL FUKIN SICK STFU
    9:Acid> if i were gay [. . .] 9:Acid> i wouldnt touch a french man
    9on <ZH>> <---torn between thinking Rand is l33t and thinking Rand is kinda sad.
    9:Tigerex <ER>> operation Human Shield 9:Tigerex <ER>> hide behind the canadians and advance
    9a1andonly <ER>> I may not be as hairy as Robert DeNiro, or as strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger, nor as handsome as Mel Gibson, but I lick better then Lassie!
    Just a side note, if Flow was hosting youd be getting this: flow> if ur paddling upstream and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes fit in a dog house flow> answer: none ice cream dont have bones
    9:Cops <ZH>> Cops forgetting to unspec warned, cops forgetting to host a game 2nd warned but falling asleep weel hosting *PRICELESS*
    Bluedandy> I'm a false female
    6:Webbb> Canada- who has produced wonderful things like Volcs and La Crosse
    Why do birds suddenly appear, everytime, you are near? Maybe cos you smell like an old seagull...?go warzone3 -Tigerex <ER>
    [Jan 28 16:43] Mythrandir: here's one for your quotes: Arcturus U> instead of owning me, you should own a grammar book.
    4:Oen Izan> ya know Rand, I am readin ya quotes again and there is none by me, have I seist to be funny any more
    Pearl Jam> afk dropping things on top of pigs
    4:daciz> last week they had a blind black white supremist
    u've had the best, now try the rest, prodem actually hosted by me! ?go prodem -Randedl
    J !> Lolly pop Lolly pop ooo lolly lolly lolly lolly pop lolly pop ooo lolly lolly lolly lolly pop! loly pop!!
    7:Mayo Inc.> the best is when u say something funny and then like 2 weeks later the black guy who sits infront of u is like 'DIS ***** SAID SOME FUNNY SHIT... HE WAS LIKE...."
    help: (INVINCIB|E) (Public 3): Is there a Hugo R Gasm there- I'm looking for a Hugo R Gasm I cant find himhelp: (Aim Captain) (Public 0): wich moderator wanna join my squad ? i give u a high up in twd to captain...
    6:Anon> im going to name my dog randedl
    DoCk>> Randedl> can she fly a terr? i'd mount her all night long. . .
    7:Bilbo the Hobbit> Semen is a natural lube!
    7:Adman> i'm not gay 7:Adman> but my boyfriend is
    9:Cops <ZH>> God I hate evrey zone exept Tws its like the Wendys of Server's
    9:Goddess <ER>> who cares if he smells... he's god :P
    7:Bluedandy> I wouldn't just pork my squadleader, ffs
    6:Mikena> the toaster is still a bit advanced for me
    8:Shade's Child> never sacrafice virgings. rape them first
    Ayden> melee motto .. killthem all .. let god sort them out
    4:crazi> he keeps changing his name like multiple scurosis
    7:bloodzombie> if I was ever president, I'd push our border up about a 100 meters... not because we want that land, but just to show the canadians who's boss
    Removing players with -1 deaths - Erathia
    [Feb 19 10:20] Mayo Inc.: if u were aluminum, I'd make u into a candedl, id also do the same thing if u were made a wax... or is that a candlededl?
    2:K A N E> you would be suprised how hot some of the girls that play games are to
    7:Made You Look> if you add an F to the end of Melee and read it backwards, it says "Feel Em"...hmm
    PeteyMcNas> Bot is right, Bible's wrong
    2:crazi> what if i threatend to send locusts to ur house
    BORG Leade> up in the arena with my ***** nope the dope feena, always buggin about loses and winnaz, but i dont give a shiet i alt tab the screena
    Marsupial > you must obay the tatoo on my ass, exit only
    Brandus> My one accomplishment will be getting the shield a few times in subspace after days and days of shooting space ships
    sTuPiD-gEr> i always knew 2dragons was a bot
    6:Heatha> i like mirrors
    1:Oen Izan> I need me a nose hair trimmer, some one email me thiers if they have one
    sTuPiD-gEr> watch your shots before i eat your children
    Acromania! Can't think of anything but Randedl for R? Join the rest of us! Type ?go trivia to play! -DoCk>
    cheater: (Lord-Kit) (Public 4): cheater your ass hole is suck?or afking?no one reply me when i be tked
    6:POiD> buja talk -> regular talk> my printer is being mad gay -> I like it in the ass but by printer wont fit
    Volcs> i dont shave.. CALL ME CHEWBACA! hahaha. ez.
    sTuPiD-gEr> rand says he's seen autistic children who've done better.. so that means i have a chance
    6:Rac00n> we are not lunatics...we are only a little crazy...we haven't graduated to wearin the helmets yet
    Cpt.Guano!> i think theres some sort of relationship between haircuts and sex
    7:Politik> I like to wear boxers that double as reflective orange-glo night-safety clothes
    2rty> i ran to #wee and said to her cant ban what you cant find
    9:wark <ZH>> erm did i say sheep? i meant sleep, but anyways, im going to baaahd
    sTuPiD-gEr> yea.. i found a few sites that said "you've reached the end of the internet. please turn off your computer and go outside, fatass"
    9:ZeUs!!> isnt 'sshing' the noise you get in LOTR when two swords clash in a sword fight (that usually sees two guys and a midget beat an army of 3,000 single handedly)
    9:Mr. 420 <ER>> i still have a bra on my head
    (xxxpainexxx)>hey, your smart, tell me, how do they defend an entire country with those tiny little red knives????????????? DAMN SWISS!
    2rty> can vets nuter humans?
    2:Alternative> your the load that your mom should have swallowed!
    2:Weaver> hehe: Fighting Over The Internet Is Like The Special Olympics It Doesn't Matter Who Wins Your Still A Retard
    bloodzombi> I gotta be honest, I think you're dumb as rocks, but your body is smokin
    2rty> i mean..if velcro shoes came out with shoes that looked good...they would sell..but they are always the grandpa walkers
    bloodzombi> because they represent an authority figure, and deep down, you wish you could kill your parents
    7:POiD> chats should be like sex .. only talk when its real good.. and then its REAL short sentences.
    Life: a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate. ?go twisted to play -Buja X <ER>> it's my bday and i'll cry if i want to, cry if i want to, cry if i want to...
    2:K A N E> strip it and dump it
    6:EdDiE> Roses are read, violets can rot, i sometimes make sense, i usually do not
    7:Bluedandy> I'm the hottest damn midget ever
    1:Oen Izan> wrinkly dicks, ribbed for her pleasure
    2:K A N E> they like....your last name is wong , yours is related?
    [Mar 31 14:42] adam <ER>: new quote: 1:Tigerex> If i was Dean of staff i'd promote you all, *COUGH* RISE UP AND REBEL WITH ME *COUGH*


    Volume I:

    Volume II:

    Volume III:
    Last edited by Randedl; 03-31-2003, 04:02 PM.
    Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
    Philos> there is something about you
    Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

    PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"

  • #2
    WEEW! none of me this time. GG!
    Last edited by Volcs; 03-31-2003, 03:51 PM.
    Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

    Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


    • #3
      Some of my favs, I dont remember all of em so theres only about 4

      1:Mr 420 <ER>> I still have a bra on my head
      1:Mr 420 <ER>> I brought it
      1:Mr 420 <ER>> Don't make me pull out my webcam

      wark <ZH>> WARNING: Future insults made on the newbie ZH will result in a ban that he cannot follow up on.

      1:Tigerex> If i was Dean of staff i'd promote you all, *COUGH* RISE UP AND REBEL WITH ME *COUGH*

      adam <ER>> I called my mum a newbie once
      adam <ER>> She called me a dork
      EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
      cool koen> :)
      PRiMORDiAL> pfft
      cool koen> not because of a bug
      EvoLd> Lol
      Treachery> meh
      EvoLd> why then?
      PubAceR> women in power dont last
      EvoLd> LOl
      toaster oven reviews


      • #4
        Originally posted by Volcs
        WEEW! none of me this time. GG!
        Thought you got off the hook, bitch?

        Originally posted by Randedl
        Volcs> i dont shave.. CALL ME CHEWBACA! hahaha. ez.
        Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


        • #5
          lol, almost all of my quotes come from the same chat

          1:Method> if theyre old enough to crawl, theyre already in the right position
          1:Roar> why jackoff when you can have a bitch to do it for you and swallow the mess?
          2:Method> sometimes i draw vaginas onto them so i can splooge onto myself
          Randedl> everyone has gay thoughts once in a while
          2eny> cable isnt at all relilible
          2:Method> "Jamboila has to travel 7 miles each day for water" why doesnt she sleep near the water. Stupid ******
          1:jaCk> i slap my nuts on my moms chin while I unload
          Randedl> can she fly a terr? i'd mount her all night long. . .
          VACATE> I have the breasts of a man
          Pearl Jam> Then there was this one time me and Jack got drunk and hooked up with these hot deaf chicks...while we were getting down with them we called them all kinds of horrible names, but of course they couldn't hear us.
          Pearl Jam> my name is the peej and i'm not from the hood, but i won't stop to violate the ladies like a smooth cracker should
          2:Bilbo the Hobbit> Volcs studied english with tarzan
          Ilyaz> i use womens bras as underwear
          1:Method> rape is such a bad term, lets call it surprise sex
          Last edited by Volcs; 03-31-2003, 04:13 PM.
          Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

          Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bilbo
            Thought you got off the hook, bitch?
            i know, rand just told me that...

            but it's not true!
            that's why i hate rands stupid quotes of me, if you look back on any of them its always of me saying something horribly stupid about myself...
            I'm gonna have to watch what i say around rand
            Last edited by Volcs; 03-31-2003, 04:15 PM.
            Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

            Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


            • #7
              volcs on msn 20 seconds after i posted:

              PYLON says:
              that's not fair, i was kidding.. i shave! I SHAAAVE!
              Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
              Philos> there is something about you
              Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

              PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


              • #8
                wait a minute. . . if that's not you then who am i sleeping with. . .
                Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

                Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


                • #9
                  Hehe, Randedl's quotes are always funny to read
                  Sina Olet Sootti :)


                  • #10
                    Re: Quotes! Volume IV

                    Originally posted by Randedl
                    Pearl Jam> afk dropping things on top of pigs

                    7:bloodzombie> if I was ever president, I'd push our border up about a 100 meters... not because we want that land, but just to show the canadians who's boss

                    sTuPiD-gEr> yea.. i found a few sites that said "you've reached the end of the internet. please turn off your computer and go outside, fatass"

                    Life: a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate. ?go twisted to play -Buja X <ER>
                    plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!

